1:1 sessions for leaders and decision-makers
In a highly dynamic environment, it can be difficult to foster innovation and stay on track with your goals. You might experience a need for change as well as a certain pressure to jump into action.
1:1 briefing, sparring or coaching sessions can provide clarity. They allow for an open exchange. You’ll receive valuable input. Together, we’ll discover and implement effective solutions. And I’ll consult you on any specific questions regarding New Management.
Personal OFF-ROAD Test
You´ve achieved a lot. You’ve got great plans. However, your environment is becoming increasingly dynamic and complex, and you realize that established tools and methods may be inadequate for ensuring future success.
This Personal Off-Road Test starts with a personal exchange. We’ll examine whether the values and patterns you've internalized are still valid. Might they actually be counterproductive to your goals? You’ll receive a fresh impetus as well as open, honest feedback.
Our output will help you implement specific next steps to remain successful in the future.
Personal Agile Safari
These days, everything seems to become agile. But what does agility really mean? And will it work for you? In this Personal Agile Safari, you will discover the values and principles behind these trendy approaches and obtain in-depth background information. We’ll examine the issues you deal with in your work and discuss if and how agile methods can make you more successful.
Your benefit: Based on my input, you will develop your own personal way to agility and implement the most effective steps in your company.
Executive Special
As a top executive, you are challenged on various levels. You manage your daily tasks with experience and routine. At the same time, you know: There’s room for improvement. You may feel that the environment you work in is changing, and things are becoming more difficult.
The Executive Special package helps you take new perspectives to develop your full potential. You’ll discover new approaches, which you can apply on a personal, professional and methodical level.
Take advantage of the latest management and leadership methods. Utilize them for yourself and your success!
Take the Driver Seat
You´ve just started to work in a new position. You’re in charge of reorganizing a company, a business division, a department or a team. Transformation, agility and innovation are at the top of your agenda. As the ‘driver’, you’re the one in control. Use my expertise, my intuition and my power to observe and identify relations and (hidden) dynamics in your environment and steer your company in the right direction.
You will obtain knowledge and confidence for effectively applying innovative leadership and management methods. Just what you need to maneuver your way to professional success.
Haven’t found what you’re looking for?
Let’s connect!
We’ll co-create your perfect package.
To get things moving. To boost your success.